KS&R, an industry-leading strategic consultancy and marketing research firm, today released its latest report, “The AI Adoption Gap and Consumer Needs.” The report details the results of a survey of 500 consumers on their likelihood to purchase a product with generative AI (GenAI).
Key findings of the report include:
Almost half of consumers are unlikely to purchase GenAI-enabled products
- Nearly half (49%) said they were unlikely to consider purchasing products enabled with GenAI, and only 15% said they would be likely to do so.
- Reluctance is higher among older consumers, but even among 18-to-24-year-olds, more than four in ten (42%) said they are not likely to purchase GenAI- products and just 17% said they were likely to buy them.
More than one in five consumers do not trust GenAI
- When respondents who said they are unlikely to consider GenAI-enabled products were asked why they felt that way, consumers cited a lack of trust, not knowing enough about AI, and fears about whether AI is dangerous, as well as not seeing a need for AI.
- The most common rationale was lack of trust, with 22% saying it is a significant concern. This lack of trust was consistent across age groups, showing that this is not just an issue for older generations.
A significant number of consumers see no need for GenAI
- Another factor causing almost half of consumers to reject GenAI is that some consumers don’t see any need for GenAI to be added to consumer products. Without clear and compelling evidence that can improve their experiences, GenAI is seen as a frivolous luxury rather than something that will add meaningful value to their lives.
“The data show that despite the rush to enable consumer products with this GenAI technology many consumers mistrust AI or have yet to see the value that it could bring,” said Kathleen McKnight, Vice President and Principal at KS&R. “GenAI is clearly going to become a key component of many consumer products despite consumer reluctance, so, to shift consumer attitudes, consumer products companies will need to be transparent about how GenAI works and demonstrate the benefits it can provide.”
The full report provides additional insight into consumer attitudes about GenAI and the strategies consumer products companies should pursue to overcome consumer reluctance. To read the report, visit https://www.ksrinc.com/ai-adoption-gap/.